Category: Personal Protection

9 Categories of Diseases Not Covered by Insurance in Malaysia
Health and medical insurance policies do not provide coverage for all conditions. Find out the list of diseases not covered by insurance in Malaysia here.
Ramen Hasniran
Ramen Hasniran
February 3, 2023
5 mins read
Income Protection: 4 Reasons Why You Should Get This
Income protection or income replacement is one of the sub-branches of life insurance. Let's find out how income protection can help you.
Hariz Hafiz
Hariz Hafiz
January 31, 2023
4 mins read
First Party vs Third Party, Which One Should You Choose?
First party vs third party insurance? Find out more to help you make the best insurance choice for your car.
Shafiq Wahab
Shafiq Wahab
January 31, 2023
5 mins read
Takaful vs Conventional Insurance 2023: Which One Should You Choose?
Takaful vs Conventional Insurance, which one is better? Some closer inspection will reveal some clear differences between these two.
4 mins read
Should You Get Pet Insurance in Malaysia?
Pet insurance protects against unexpected veterinary bills. Find out some important information about pet insurance that you should know.
5 mins read
Car Insurance vs PA Insurance, 5 Main Differences
Is getting personal accident insurance or PA insurance really necessary? This article will explain five differences between car and PA insurance
3 mins read
5 Essential Car Insurance Add-Ons to Consider
Discover the insurance add-ons options offered by insurance companies that you should consider to maximize your car insurance protection.
4 mins read
Motorcycle Insurance: All Rider vs Single Rider
Are you confused about whether to choose all rider or single rider motorcycle insurance? Find out the differences between all rider vs single rider.
3 mins read
7 Differences Between Life Insurance vs Medical Insurance, Important to Know!
Confused about the differences between life insurance vs medical insurance? Find out the 7 key differences can help you understand better.
4 mins read
5 Types of Insurance in Malaysia You Must Know
Are you aware of the various types of insurance available? This article will explain the five types of insurance in Malaysia.
5 mins read
5 Important Things About Autolife Insurance You Need to Know
Find out the five crucial aspects you need to know about autolife insurance. This guide provides valuable insights for making informed decisions.
4 mins read
Total Loss Car, 5 Essential Things You Need to Know
Unsure whether you can make a claim for your total loss car? Get clarity with our guide to the five essential things you need to know.
5 mins read
Falling Tree On Car: 1 Secret You Must Know to Claim Insurance
Discover the key secret to successfully claiming insurance if there is falling tree on car. Protect your financial interests by making the right moves.
3 mins read
5 Things to Know Before Buying House Fire Insurance
House fire insurance protects your home from losses or damage against fire, lightning or domestic gas explosion. Find out more in this article.
5 mins read
6 Advantages of Education Insurance for Your Children
Education insurance is one of the best alternatives for you to consider to start saving for your child's education. Follow this article to find our more.
4 mins read
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